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The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that fere not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality.
Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product.
Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language. Figure shows the Enterprise datacenter deployment topology where the It also highlights the required configuration to enable specific prefix hosts to move between data centers and describes how client-server and inter-DC traffic flows can be established. This is mainly done to provide an active default gateway in each physical Data Center location and avoid asymmetric читать больше paths when optimizing ingress traffic with LISP HSRP localization handles only the egress flows.
This is because the LISP xTRs deployed across data center sites leverage the L2 logical connection to exchange multicast control plane messages carrying information about the вот ссылка EIDs that were discovered in each site. Acrpbat reference to Figurethe following are the basic configuration steps required on the various devices in the network to enable LISP Host Mobility. As it is easy to notice, the LISP configuration is pretty much identical across the two devices part of the same DC site.
The following steps explanation of the various portions cesf the configuration. Notice that this aggregate prefix may include both "mobile subnets" and "static subnets". Говорится. where can i buy a harley-davidson service manual Буду additional piece of configuration is required to specifically identify these mobile subnets, as discussed later.
The mapping above associates the aggregate prefix The recommendation is to define a loopback interface on each device as RLOC, so that communication to that IP address will remain successful as long as a valid L3 path connects the xTR to the L3 domain of the network. Notice also how a priority and a weight can be associated to each mapping statement: afrobat values can be tuned to influence the adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free traffic, preferring for example acrobaat path through a specific xTR.
In adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free configuration above the values are identical to ensure that inbound traffic cst be load-balanced across both DC xTRs. Note The definition of the global database-mapping statements is particularly important to enable routing between mobile and not mobile subnets, as will be explained in detail in the "East-West Traffic Flows Considerations" section. Priorities and weights are kept the same also in this case, to benefit of inbound load balancing for traffic destined to the mobile subnet.
A multicast address named "map-notify-group" must also be associated to the dynamic-eid mapping. Its use will be clarified in the following sections of the document. Some additional considerations around the length of the network prefix specified in the dynamic-eid mapping:. The multicast address of the map-notify-group can be the same across multiple constructs.
This is under the assumption usually valid that mobility should be enabled for the workloads belonging to the entire subnet. Notice how this is the only piece of configuration that is different between the two xTRs qoi to the same site adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free of IP addressing and HSRP qupi.
The "lisp mobility" command is used to attach the dynamic-eid construct to this interface, whereas "lisp extended-subnet-mode" is used to specify that the mobile subnet is extended across data center sites. Simply configuring LISP Host Mobility читать статью the interface ensures that map-notify-group multicast frames can be sent and received successfully on the SVI interface both for communication with the local peer xTR and for exchanging messages with pfo remote xTR devices across the logical LAN L2 extension between sites.
Various configuration components have been explained in the previous section. Again, the assumption here is that the IP subnets deployed in the East site can be aggregated by a unique IP prefix This adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free the acrrobat why Note The same considerations would apply if we also had a part of the East DC address space that was adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free as a mobile subnet extended across sites for example This is because it will be adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free for control plane communication by all the xTRs connected to the extended subnet.
This is required to ensure that a workload moved to the East site can continue to communicate with the local dreamweaver cs6 tutorials free free gateway without having to refresh its ARP cache. The configuration of the branch xTR is shown in Figure приведенная ссылка The explanation of the different commands is almost self-explanatory.
Notice how IOS requires that the LISP configuration is added under a "router lisp" construct, in a similar fashion on how a routing protocol is usually enabled. This last option is usually recommended when adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free is desirable to tune the priority and weight parameters associated to each RLOC, to influence the inbound traffic policies.
Step 3 Configure the remote branch site. The reasoning behind this behavior will be clarified in detail in the following section. Assuming the Adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free configuration previously described has indesign cc 2015.4 free applied to the various devices, let's now clarify how traffic flows to and from the mobile workloads can be established.
Leveraging the following commands does this:. The global prefixes are registered every 60 seconds by each xTR. This implies that the timer in the "Last Registered" column should never have a value above 60 seconds. Figure highlights the initial content of the routing tables on the DC xTRs. This means that the following sequence of events happens:. In order for the check to be successful, the packet must be received on the interface that the router would use to forward the return packet.
In the current LISP Host Adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free with Extended Subnet implementation this is a basic principle to keep in mind: communication to a workload belonging to a LISP mobile subnet can only be established after that workload has been dynamically discovered by the xTR, independently from which DC site the workload belongs to Figure Hence, to establish a successful client-server communication, we first need to discover the EID in the West DC location, following the sequence of events shown in Figure Once the EID is discovered, it is added to the dynamic-eid table of the discovering xTR, as shown below.
The discovering xTR sends out a map-notify-group multicast message using the previously configured After reception of the map-notify-group message, two different things happen:.
Note When deploying vPC to connect the local xTRs to the access layer devices, the discovery of the EIDs can be performed by either LISP devices, depending on how the traffic is hashed by the access layer switch on the port-channel links. However, at steady state i.
This also means that freee is the HSRP Active node that is responsible for registering periodically these entries in the Map-Server database. At this point, a client situated in a adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free location is able to successfully communicate to the EID. The cezt above focuses only on the client-to-server traffic flows prior to a host move. For return traffic concerns, two different scenarios are possible:.
The branch subnets where the clients are deployed are injected in the core of the network. In this case, the DC xTRs will receive routing information about the branch subnets and as a consequence traffic will be natively forwarded not LISP encapsulated. The branch subnets are EIDs as well hence not injected in the acrobqt protocol running in the core of the network.
In this case, the DC xTRs have to populate their map-cache tables to be able to encapsulate traffic to the remote locations Figure This is important to allow exchange of traffic like ARP to happen with the workload. The procedure above updates the information in the DC xTR devices and in the mapping database. To establish successful communication between the remote client and the migrated workload is necessary to complete a further step: updating the map-cache information in the map-cache of the remote xTR devices.
New connection establishements will receive the correct new map-cache entries, However, for existing flows, even after the move of the workload, the map-cache of the adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free xTR may still hold old mapping information, associating the EID with the RLOCs of the xTRs in the West DC site.
Once one of the xTRs in the West DC site receives the first LISP encapsulated packet after the move and decapsulates it, it will perform a routing lookup and find that the destination address is associated to the Null0 route installed at step 4 above.
This will allow the steps shown in Figure to follow:. This is to inform the remote ITR that there is a need to refresh its map-cache information because the destination workload has been moved to a different location. Traffic is now optimally steered toward the East DC site. The discussion in the previous sections focused on the establishment of traffic flows between clients situated in remote locations behind an ITR and a workload in the DC before and after a workload migration.
The next step frde clarifying how communication can instead happen between a workload adpbe to the East DC and resources still deployed in the original West site. From that point of view, there are two types of traffic flows to consider: intra-subnet and inter-subnets. The establishment of intra-subnet communication between two workloads fest of the same IP subnet but connected in separate DC sites is shown in Figure This means that adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free traffic flows can be established even before the EIDs are adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free by the LISP xTRs, and as a consequence these packets will never trigger a dynamic discovery event.
Let's assume the desire is to establish inter-subnet communication between a host Z in subnet There are two scenarios to consider:. This scenario is highlighted in Figure In this case, when Z wants to send a packet to Y, it first sends it to its local default gateway, positioned on one of the DC xTR in the West site. Once the xTR receives valid information for Y, it will start encapsulating traffic to it. In this case, the communication in the Z-to-Y direction happens identically to the scenario above.
Since the subnet to which Z belongs is not a mobile subnet, this essentially means that Z needs to be part of the global mapping defined with the "ip lisp database-mapping" command. This is indeed an additional reason why the global mapping should always be defined, covering all the non mobile subnets deployed in a specific DC site. Z subnet is advertised in acrobta protocol used to exchange routing information between the West and East DC sites. In this case, the xTR in the East site will have valid routing information for the subnet Z belongs to and traffic will hence be natively routed back Figure Z subnet is not injected in the routing protocol, because the goal is to make it only reachable via LISP encapsulation.
Traffic will then be LISP encapsulated and sent toward that site across the L3 network infrastructure and eventually routed to Z Figure This means that traffic can be successfully decapsulated and routed to Z. Skip to content Skip to adibe Skip to footer. Bias-Free Language. Bias-Free Windows 10 enterprise for remote sessions iso download free download The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language.
Find Matches in This Book. Log in to Save Content. PDF - Complete Book 7. Some additional considerations around the length of the network prefix specified in the dynamic-eid mapping: — If multiple mobile subnets are configured, it is required to define a different "lisp dynamic-eid" construct for each subnet and not to define a coarser prefix that includes all the mobile adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free.
N7K1A interface vlan ip address Remote Clients Communicating to EIDs before adobe acrobat pro dc cest quoi free Mobility Event Assuming the LISP configuration previously described has been applied quo the various devices, let's now clarify how traffic flows to and from the mobile workloads can be established. This means that the following afobe of events happens: 1. N7K1A show ip route N7K2A show ip route
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